A病院B病棟より検出されたメチシリン耐性Staphylococcus aureusのファージ型別 : 疫学的検索へのアプローチ
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Nosocomial infections due to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) have become prevalent in recent years. The epidemiological investigation is now urgently needed for the prevention. In order to survey thoroughly the spread of contamination with MRSA in Ward B of Hospital A, We isolated from environments of the ward a number of strains of MRSA and classified the isolates by phage-typing. Isolations of the strains were performed three times before and after disinfection of the patient's rooms in the ward with gaseous formaldehyde. The results of phage-typing of the MRSA strains presented us interesting informations. Some of the strains detected throughout the investigation have been proved to belong to the identical phage-type that was at first found from a localized environment of an asymptomatic carrier. Spread of this type of strains was considered to be mostly mediated by the contaminated mainphalanxes, shoes and other items of the carrier. So the contamination could be said to proceed from other patiants and medical staffs including physicians and nurses who acquired the bacterium. These valuable informations obtained by phage-typing, we believe, help prevent nosocomial infections due to MRSA, since they clarify detailed mode of distributions of the micro organism in the hospital environments.
- 信州大学の論文
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