<論文>エスニック都市空間の再開発過程と建造環境の変容 : シアトルの「インターナショナル地区」を事例として
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本研究は,シアトルにおける複合アジア系エスニック都市空間「インターナショナル地区(ID)」を取り上げ,そこで働いている都市過程,特に再開発事業の性格と経緯をみるとともに,「建造環境」という概念を取り入れてこの地区の特性とその変容を分析・検討するものである。IDは,1970年代からの再開発過程において,その建造環境をかなり変容させたが,現在(1990年代)なお,1)建物の過半が古い建物であり,修復工事においても外観が極力保存されてきたこと,2)域内営業施設の8割以上が小規模店舗を主としたアジア系のエスニック・ビジネスとみられること,3)高齢化したとは言え,ある程度のアジア系コミュニティを残していることなどの諸点において,エスニック都市空間としての伝統的特性を存続させてきた。その主要な背景は,建造環境を再生産していく再開発過程が,低所得者・高齢者の住宅確保と小規模エスニック・ビジネスの再活性化を基本的な目的としてコミュニティ・ベースでゆっくりと進められ,大規模な建造環境のクリアランスが生じなかったことにある。しかし,1990年代後半になって非コミュニティ・ベースの資本主導による一般的都市過程もようやく活発になりつつあり,商業・業務・居住空間としての地区の性格が変容していくことが予想される。In studies on the dynamic aspects of ethnic urban territories in North America, geographers tend to view those territories as principally residential areas and the segregation and desegregation processes of the ethnic population have been central to their concerns. However, many other aspects such as the urban redevelopment processes which change the complex nature of ethnic urban territories, the built environment of those territories, and the role of each ethnic group involved in various urban processes have tended to be overlooked. This paper is an attempt to examine the nature and the processes of redevelopment in an ethnic urban area and the changing features of its built environment, taking the example of the International District(ID), a complex Asian ethnic enclave, which is located on the southern fringe of the downtownarea of Seattle, Washington,U.S.A.In the ID,the urban redevelopment processes started in 1972 and forty eight projects havebeen completed up to the present. Through these processes the built environment of the ID hasbeen changed to a certain degree. Old residential buildings have been renovated and many newbusinesses have been created. However, it is noteworthy that the ID has retained some basictraditional characteristics as an Asian ethnic territory as late as the 1990s. First, many buildings in this area, particularly in its core area, are still old; most of them were constructed in the early decades of the twentieth century, and their exterior features have been conserved carefully through the rehabilitation works. Second, approximately eighty percent of the businesses in this area are considered to be Asian ethnic businesses, and most of them are small owner operated shops involving family members. There are few branches or franchises of larger mainstream businesses. Third, the ID has retained its character as a residential neighborhood; there still exist thirty three residential buildings and over 2,164 dwelling units are available. A total of 1,852 residents were counted within the boundary of the ID in 1990 according to the Census Blocks Data, and almost half of them were Asian or Pacific Islanders.An important background of the above tendencies is the nature of the redevelopment processes in this area. The main purpose of the redevelopment has been preservation and development of residences for low-income, elderly Asian people as well as revitalizing the small-scale ethnic businesses. In the ID, namely, the community based redevelopment processes proceeded from the beginning of the redevelopment planning to the early 1990S. However, it should be noted that some large-scale non-community based projects such as the Union Station Project, the Uwajimaya Village Project, and several marke-rate housing projects are now proceeding in the ID. Those projects will transform the nature of this Asian ethnic enclave in the near future by creating a large new business space as well as gentrification of this area.
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