- 論文の詳細を見る
The ties that bind mothers and their children together are established at the earlier stage of pregnancy. Motherhood develops mentally through physical interaction during ten months (40weeks) until delivery. This time we have investigated pregnant women's awareness as a mother by SCT, One of the popular methods of psychological tests, using short sentences in seven fields of 38 items. We classified and studied the responses and found the entire maternal image. Ninety-three pregnant women, 36 primiparae and 57 multiparae, who were pregnant more than 36 weeks, were investigated. In the first field, 58.1% of mothers were glad to find out their pregnancy, while 10.8% of mothers were anxious and 5.4% were perplexed or worried about it. In the second field, 53. 8% of mothers felt difficulties in nursing babies and 4. 3% felt anxious. In the sixth field, 19.4% of mothers did not try to behave positively when they were in troubles. Those mothers are necessary to learn to acquire better human relationships. In every item, most mothers accepted their pregnancy with a positive attitude and tried to become good mothers. Some of them, however, had a negative feelings, such as anxiety and worries. It is important for us to find the solution of the problems both collectively and individually, basing on the synthetic and adequate understanding of the backgrounds and feelings of pregnant women.
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