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In this paper, in order to establish a new engineering field based on thecomprehensive knowledge of humanities and science, the food crisis of humanbeings in the near future has been taken into notice and discussed from a pointof materials culturology. As a result, it has been pointed out the food crisisto be one of short term & serious problems. And, to overcome the food crisisin the near future, new concept of artificial photosynthesis system supportingthe food poroblem of human beings has been conceptually presented. And thefeasibility has been fundamentally discussed from points of rna terials engineeringand materials culturology.The following results has been obtained.1) The photosynthesis mechanism of green plant was discussed from a pointof materials engineering, and five conditions necessary to realize the photosynthesisare fandamentally elucidated.2) The five conditions of 1) were shown to be satisfied by intoroducing theconcept or cD /1- cD type of pn-conjunction particle.3) The optimum combination of photosynthesis catalysis was pointed to beAIN, SrTi03, Sr075 Ago 25 TiOa, GaSe, GaTe, SnS. And each photosynthesis catalysiswas quantitavely designed into cD/1-cDtype of pn-conjunction particle.4) New two concepts of photosynthesis ceramics element and photosynthesissystem, necessary to photosynthesize glucide from C02, H20 and the sunlight,were presented.5) The area of the leaflike plane of photosynthesis system, necessary tosynthesize the per capita daily consumption of glucide 250g, was pointed out tobe 1.2m2.
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