ステンレスコーティングしたポリカーボネート膜でのH 2,D 2及びT 2の透過
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We have investigated the diffusion, solution and permeation of hydrogen isotopes in/through organic polymers to search for the suitable membrane materials for tritium separation. In our previous research, the permeation and diffusion constants of tritium for polycarbonate coated with stainless steel (SS) film, prepared by rf-sputtering, differed considerably from those of the order isotopes, where experimental methods and conditions for tritium differed from those for the others: tritium permeation was measured by means of β-ray counting, whereas the others were measured by ionization gauge. In this study, we measured the permeation of hydrogen isotopes at 0.4-10 KPa using a mass spectrometer by means of the time-lag method and investigated the mechanism of permeation so as to understand the previous results. The large difference as observed previously was not detected in the present study. The ratio of the diffusion and permeation constants among the three isotope were D(H2) : D(D2) : D(T2)=1.21 : 1.71 : 1, and KD(H2) : KD(D2) : KD(T2)=1 : 1.03 : 2.77, where D, K and KD are the diffusion, solution and permeation constants, respectively. Three hydrogen isotopes appeared as H2, D2 and T2 after permeation through the SS film, which mainly consisted of oxides and/or carbides of Fe and Cr, as hydrogen atoms or irons. Then, they recombine at the down-stream side of the SS film to form hydrogen molecules and permeate through polycarbonate as they stand. The present results indicated that the previous ones are due to the influence of the counting gas on the behavior of tritium in the polymer or the pressure dependence of the solution and/or diffusion constants.
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