- 論文の詳細を見る
The relationship of the Antecedent Precipitation index (Hereafter, abbreviated as API) to soil suction, outlet discharge and height of a sorgo are discussed. As API is the sum of weighted data of daily precipitation, this value is obtained for every field on every day. The relation between API and soil suction was determined. The following experimental equation based on least squares method was derived. pF=a・log (API)+b (A)a: constant parameter which is minus, b: constant parameter. The effect of heat on this equation is not known and Eq. (A) should be used under almost the same thermal conditions for obtaining hydrological data using API. Based on Eq. (A), <special>APIdry</special> was defined for pF 1.5 and <special>APIwet</special> was defined for pF 3.5 in this paper. For better vegetaЫe quality, <special>small APIdry</special> and <special>big APIwet</special> are essential. Eq. (B) was derived for obtaining the mean value of API for confirming long‐term regional condition of wetness.<special>API≒c・R</special> (B)<special>API<special>: mean value for bong term API (mm), <special>R</special>: mean value of daily precipitation (mm/day). As the sum value of daily precipitation is shown in a meteological report, <special>R</special> is easily obtained. c:constant parameter which was 5.45 in this study. Eqs. (A) and (B) are quite practical for irrigation, drainage and oulet discharge analysis.
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