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It has been well known that flow of pore fluid in compacted soils will also occur horizontally as wellas vertically since the surface of an embankment is a natural drainage boundary. In addition, this flowis ultimately predominant in the horizontal direction in the soil structure because of the layering roller-compacted fill. On the other hand, in consolidation tests on compacted soils as embankment materials, the curvre representing time-dependant settlement relationship has a characteristic shape. This phenomenon is very different from ordinary saturated clays. The present objected is to extend the one-dimentionalconsolidation theory to take account of the two dimentional anisotropic one. Considering anisotropy of consolidation behavior and characteristic of compacted soils mentionedabove, the author derived an anisotropic consolidation equation and its solution under axi-symmetriccylindrical coordinates. In this treatment, an assumption was made that a stress-strain relation of thesoil skeleton was represented by a rheological model comprising a Voigt body. Consequently, a generalexpression of the strain was proposed for the sum of two parts: the effective stress remaining constant and effective stress varying with time(Eq.(12)). Solutions obtained from the basic equation (Eq.(15)or(16)), that are equations regarding the pore pressure distribution (Eq.(26)), consolidation setttlement(Eq.(27)) and average degree of consolidation (Eq.(28)), were found to be similar to solutions of one-dimensional equation in form except for additional terms due to radial directional effects. Fromthis reasoning, the author indicated that parmeters concerning two-dimensional anisotropic consolidationcould be calculated numerically by utilizing parameters obtained from one-dimensional one.
- 三重大学の論文
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