- 論文の詳細を見る
Eighty one specimens of bryophytes (42 kinds of mosses and 14 kinds of liverworts) were collected in twenty localities near Hiroshima-city, differing in the degree of environmental pollution. Each of the specimens was digested with hexane to extract the viscous oily substance. The fraction of both fatty acids and fatty acid methyl esters of each specimen was respectively isolated by a column chromatography with silica gel using ether as an eluant. The ether fractions of all the specimens were analyzed by a gas chromatography to certify the fatty acid compositions. The bryophytes generally contain even number fatty acids as in other plants, and the ratios of even/odd numbers ranged widely from 2.9 to 91.2. The major fatty acid of the liverworts is C-16 as shown in Table 2,but that of the mosses in Table 1 is C-16,C-18,C-20,C-22,C-24,C-26 or C-28. Although the fatty acid is one of the primary constituents of living organisms, fatty acid homologues of the bryophytes had a very large diversity. Otherwise, by comparing the fatty acid homologues of the bryophytes collected at Miyajima, which is in an advanced state of environmental pollution, with those of other places where the environmental has been preserved, all the homologues of bryophytes at Miyajama tested in this work were found to have shifted to lower carbon numbers as shown in the Tables and the Figures. The fatty acid homologues may be used as one of the useful environmental indicators.
- 1996-11-30
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