呉地域における産業廃棄物の現況 : 生物系廃棄物の有効利用方策について
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In most developed countries a consumer society has evolved,and now similar changes are taking place in developing countries too. In the present civilized society we need a great deal of resources and energy to make a variety of goods,and we subsequently discharge a lot of general and industrial waste causmg a depletion of resources and deterioration of the environment. Utilizable resources are,however,limited and we cannot use these for ever without endangering the environment. Accordingly,we should aim to construct an environmentally concerned society which considers not only “production-currency-consumption" but also “discharge-resource-environment". In this paper we describe new methods for recycling biological waste.
- 1995-12-22
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- 呉地域における産業廃棄物の現況 : 生物系廃棄物の有効利用方策について