人間の相互関係解明への科学者集団の形成に向けて : 「社会学23」講座の解説
- 論文の詳細を見る
Lawrence Joseph Henderson established the course "Sociology 23" in Harvard University, for the purpose of investigating scientifically human interrelations. Prominent faculty in Harvard, for example, Elton Mayo, Thomas N. Whitehead, Talcott Parsons and Crane Brinton, and Chester I. Barnard joined the course, and scientific community was gradually formed. The aim of this study is to make clear that when the course "Sociology 23" was established. C.I.Barnard and Bernard Barber asserted that the course had been opened in 1937-1938 and the assertion has been the accepted opinion. But, examining carefully the materials in Baker Library Archives, I discovered that "Sociology 23" had been established in 1935-1936. I base my discovery on the correspondence concerning "Sociology 23", Official Register of Harvard University: Division of Sociology and "Lecture at class in Sociology 23, Delivered October 3, 1935."
- 青森公立大学の論文
- 1996-09-00
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