<論文>経営思想の源流を求めて : L.J.ヘンダーソンのパレート社会学との出会い
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The purpose of this study is to give a clearer explanation as to what the Harvard Circle is, which emerged in the 1930s. It is based on the materisls I gathered at Baker Library Archives at the Harvard Business School searching for the locus to Lowrence J. Henderson's activities mainly during the period of 1927 through 1932. In 1927 Henderson encounterd Pareto's Traite de Sociologie Generale, which he praised as the greatest scientific construction in this century. He lectured on Pareto's Sociology for the course of "Mills Lectureship in Philosophy" at California University, and discussed the possibility of scientific approach to human behavior in some of his papers : "An Approximate Definition of Fact" (1932) ; "Science, Logic, and Human Intercourse" (1933). In these papers, he pointed out the organic characteristics of experience and the emotional involement in thoughts as the source of errors in scientific system of thought. In order not to fall into errors, we must not analyse things solely from the perspective of "cause and effect, " instead, we need to establish a conceptual scheme based on thorough investigation of independent nature of things and human emotions as well. He further claimed that even the analysis with that scheme, it is impossible to escaps from being the approximate approach to the fact.
- 青森公立大学の論文
- 1996-03-11
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- 経営思想の源流を求めて : L.J.ヘンダーソンのパレート社会学との出会い