<総論>地球環境変化と人間社会 : よりよい未来のための一考察
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The 3.5 billion years' history of life shows that the most important key factor for human survival is to manage the environmental problems such as decomposing and re-use of many kinds of man-made wastes. Many industrial actions has been taken and they are called as environmental business. They will form a huge market of about 24000 billions yens in Japan within 10 years, and will compensate the shrinking market of mass-production. There are also many non-governmental organizations (NGO) activities for improving global environment, showing that the break-through is coming by breaking down the many kinds of existing borders. It is a very good news that the ISO 1400 series, which are the international standards for industrial activities to improve the global environment, are well accepted in Japan. Over 1000 organizations in Japan have already got the ISO 14001 certification, Ieadin the rest of the world. A new paradigm is that the improvement of global environment will lead to the better future for human beings. For this paradigm, decomposers should manage all kinds of wastes to re-use, the cyclic relationships of producers-consumers-decomposers should be made, and innovations should be done for cleaning up the environmental pollutants and reproducing the non-recyclable resources such as oil.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1999-03-20
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