- 論文の詳細を見る
Andrew Marvell's (1621-1678) "Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government in England" bitterly attacked the tendencies towards Popery and arbitrary government in the court under Charles II and his heir-apparent, James, the duke of York. By the time Marvell wrote this controversial pamphlet in 1678,there was the greatest upsurge of anti-Catholic feeling since 1640- 1642. It was the time when the king Charles broke the Protestant Triple Alliance, propagated the Declaration of Indulgence, and his brother James made his conversion to Catholicism public by refusing to take the Oath. With this political turmoil, Marvell, as a dissenting M.P., made his attacks not only on the Popish court but also on the Anglican Establishment with its intolerance and authoritarian government championed by Thomas Osborn, later earl of Danby, He did this by deploying the tactics from the traditional repository of anti-Catholic polemics. In this essay I will explore some theological and political aspects of Marvell 's anti-Catholic rhetoric to show how his religious position as a Dissenter structured his strategy to criticize his political enemies in his pamphlet.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
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