イエズス会日本コレジオの宇宙論講義(2) (総合教育教室)
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Part II of this essay deals with the following points in comparison. 3) What is the cosmic structure like beyond the planet Saturn? 4) Is the celestial region corruptible or incorruptible? Is it solid or fluid? Where are comets and novas located in the celestial region? Both Gomez and Conimbricenses assigned a precession of the equinoxes to the eighth sphere and a trepidation to the ninth sphere in their overall eleven-sphere cosmology. In contrast, Clavius assigned a precession of the equinoxes to the eighth sphere and the Copernican two librations to the ninth and the tenth spheres in his twelve-sphere cosmology. While Calvius's De sphaera grappled with novas and comets that challenged the defenders of traditional views. Jesuit cosmologies taught both in Portugal and Japan can be characterized as Renaissance Aristotelianism yet to incorporate the new diseoveries made by Tycho Brahe and others. However, much of their astronomical information was unknown to the majority of the Japanese at that time and could have contributed tremendously if the religio-political situations had been otherwise.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
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- イエズス会日本コレジオの宇宙論講義(2) (総合教育教室)
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