社会システムとしての組織体における紙類の環境実態監査 : その経時変化について
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Human activities pose serious threats to the environment. It is neccesary to research and investigate activities of companies, which are major users of materials and are contributing to pollution at the view of environmental impacts, then the environmental audit was coming out. In this study, we have done first reviewing of the present situation in the environmental audit. Regarding objective company as a social system, we performed the environmental audit. Selecting a private company of OSTRAND as a social system, we could get an executive director's cooperation which enabled us to carry out the environmental audit in detail. In this paper, daily flows of papers were reported. There were materials, papers for copy and deliveries to input the system, informational products and waste to be burned and recycled to output the system and single-sided prints to be circulated in the system. After the pre-experiment, we determined daily flow of papers with regard to size and characters in the measured period of 5∿12 Nov. 1993. As a result, 77763g papers for photocopy was used. In comparison with the calculated value from annual accountings, it was only 10 percents higher. Reports or public issues were most abundantly introduced to the system as the materials. A4 size papers were most used in all paper grades such as papers for photocopy, single-sided prints and double-sided prints, because the standard size of papers became A-sizes in public. Determination of the flow of papers in OSTRAND became clear the present environmental managing systems which involve an effect of reduction of input and output amounts by using single-sided prints. As a value of reduced papers was 11160g in a week, the amount of papers reduced in one year -about 580kg- was the consumed weight of papers which was made of 13.6 standing trees. Recognizing the present condition of company from the data, we suggested three points to improve the environmental managing system. One was to improve eco-concious, another was to establish a convenient and lowimpact system and the last was to reuse materials. Because this environmental audit made expressed the flows of papers with numbers, it was possible to point out the improvement of managing systems. We attained the purpose of first-review about environmental audit, "to analyze comprehensively environmental problem, effect concerned with the company, and responce achievement to environment in the early grades."
- 広島大学の論文
- 1994-12-28
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