対象関係論からみた転移と逆転移 : その治療的相互交流における意義
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The interactions between the client and the therapist are considered to be of great importance in psychotherapeutic situations, providing not only the basis for therapeutic relationships but also the major area where the therapy is to take place. In psychoanalytical psychotherapy, especially when it is carried out from the point of object relationship, the phenomena called transference and countertransference can be thought as essential factors that constitute therapeutic interactions. In this paper I atempt to explicate the concepts of transference and countertransference in the context of object relations theories, and try to throw light on the significant roles both the phenomena have in the therapeutic interactions. First I show how the intrapsychic world of an individual is made up by focusing upon the concept of internal objects, and then study their origin and evolution in the course of development of an individual within the theoretical framework of British Kleinian School and also of an American object-relation theorist, Ogden. Within our unconcious inner world, we posesses objects and their relations to the self that were internalized from various aspects of our external object, the mother, and her relations to us in our early stages of development. Those internal objects and object relations generate our perceptions and experiences of our present external objects, the actual people in the outside world. With this perspective of the internal object world, I next explore the Kleinian idea that transference is the client's "enacting" of his/her internal object relationships in the therapeutic situations. Ogden regards transference as the interpersonal "externallzatron or "actualization" of the client's internal object relationships by projecting the roles of the self or the internal objects into the external-object therapist. Through transference the client communicates to the therapist certain aspcts of his/her intenal object world that are activated at a specific moment. Then I focus on how the therapist understands the client's communication of his/her inner world, and introduce the revised view on countertransference by tracing the historical vicissitudes of the concept in psychoanalysis, mainly in Kleinian tradition. Countertransferance as the analyst's emotional responses to the patient was formerly considered to be a mere obstacle to psychoanalysis because it was thought to be the analyst's transference to the patient. However, the idea has gradually been accepted that countertransference has a normal function as an receptive aparatus in understanding the patient's communication of his/her unconcious internal world. The client, on one hand, "dramatizes" or externalizes the aspects of his/her internal object relations through, transference to the therapist, and the therapist, on the other hand, tries to understand those aspects by utilizing not only his/her psychological knowledges but also the emotional responses available in his/her countertransference. I conclude that this interplay between the client and the therapist through transference and coutertransference is the very essence of the therapeutic interactions in the psychotherapy that is carried out from the point of view of object relations theories.
- 奈良女子大学の論文
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- 対象関係論からみた転移と逆転移 : その治療的相互交流における意義
- 対象関係論からみた転移と逆転移 : その治療的相互交流における意義