硫黄含有量の異なる Fe-20Cr-4Al 合金の 1473K におけるサイクル酸化
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Cyclic oxidation behavior of Fe-20Cr-4Al alloys with 3,35,53,104 and 171 ppm of sulfur was studied in oxygen. Cyclic oxidation consisted of a 18.0ks exposure at 1473K and was performed by cycling between 1473K and room temperature. This oxidation-cooling cycle was repeated up to five times. Mass changes of the alloys with 3,104 and 171ppm of sulfur increased roughly with increasing cycle and showed positive values after each cyclic oxidation. On the other hand, mass changes of the alloys with 35 and 53ppm of sulfur showed negative values after each cyclic oxidation. This fact was in good agreement with spalling of the oxide on the alloys. Amounts of spalled oxide of the alloys with 35 and 53ppm of sulfur decreased after cyclic oxidation of three times. This result suggested that the increment of total time of oxidation increased sintering of each oxide grain. The oxides on all the alloys were only α-Al_2O_3 after cyclic oxidation of five times. Oxide morphology on the alloys with 35 and 53 of sulfur showed convoluted morphology. On the other hand, oxide morphology on the alloy with 3 and 171ppm of sulfur showed almost planar. This result suggested that spalling of the oxide on the alloys related to the formation of convoluted oxide morphology. Many particles of Cr-sulfide were observed at the oxide/alloy interface of the alloys with 104 and 171ppm of sulfur after cyclic oxidation of five times. The existence of many particles of Cr-sulfide probably plays a role in improvement of the oxide adherence.
- 湘南工科大学の論文
- 1997-03-25
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