- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of programming methodologies started with the cooperation with the programming languages. Structured programming gave birth the programming languages such as Pascal. Taking an example on the data structures, Pascal was the faithful realization of Hoare's "Notes on Data Structuring". With the development of abstract data types, programming languages such as CLU, Alphard were realized. As the limitaions of the reliability using conventional programming languages based on von Neumann architecture have been revealed, researches on functional programming became active. But the studies on functional programming were rather theoretical. The advent of the modern functional programming languages made possible the practical programmings with functional programming. Programming language ML is taken as examples of the strong typed functional languages and thier usefulnesses are examined. By grace of the consistency of the abstract data types, algebraic specifications and functional programming, new development of the programming methodologies are expected.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
- 1997-03-25
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