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Crops were not known among the people in Oceania at the time of European contact. The only exception has been said to be the Marianas based on the record left by Magellan's voyage. Re-examination of historic records shows that Magellan did not observe rice on the island in 1521. On the other hand, many later historical documents indicate that rice cultivation was practiced soon after 1521. Linguistic evidence as well as archaeological data also support the early existence of rice cultivation in the Marianas. A discussion on the ethnographic practice of rice cultivation in the Marianas is made in order to examine the reason why Magellan did not see rice in the Marianas. Four factors are shown to be contributing : unfriendly contact with the native people, regional differences in subsistence, obscurity of rice fields from the sea, and seasonal variations in rice planting. A comprehensive archaeological research in the Marianas, specifically focused on prehistoric rice cultivation, is proposed.
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