- 論文の詳細を見る
The results of the author's research concerning the hunting and trading of the Bird of Paradise in certain villages of the Aru Islands (the Southeast Moluccas), are reported and discussed from the viewpoint of the traditional resource management of the local people. All the species of the Bird of Paradise (Family Paradisaeidae), are entered in Appendix II of CITES, (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), and the government of Indonesia prohibits the trading of these species. Nevertheless, it is a fact that the hunting and trading of the Great Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea apoda), continues in the Aru Islands even to this day. The villagers of the islands hunt the Great Bird of Paradise using a unique method, which was recorded by Alfred R. Wallace in the last century, in his book entitled, 'The Malay Archipelago, ' (1869). Interviews with the local people have revealed that they have their customary law system, for the sustainable use of the Great Bird of Paradise. Its skin is sold in Dobo, which is the main town of the islands, and these are traded and exported illegally by Chinese and Bugis merchants. These tradings are traditional activities, having a history of several centuries. In a single village, about 30 birds are hunted annually, which brings in an income of about 3,000,000 rupias to the local people. This figure is slightly less than the income obtained from 10 trees of Sago palm. This indicates that the hunting of the Bird of Paradise is done not for the subsistence of the local people, but due to some spiritual motive. The author discovered a legend concerning a rock near the village of Maririmar, which lies along the Maririmar river, a tributary of the Wanubai river, which is one of the three main channels crossing the Aru Islands. This legend concerns the origin of the Bird of Paradise, which in ancient times was believed to have been brought from the outer world by an ancestor, namely a man named Tete Moyan. The people of another village believe that their unique method of hunting the Bird of Paradise as well as the Birds themselves, came from Maririmar. According to their version of the legend, mother of pearl shells, sea cucumbers, edible bird's nest, tortoise shells, and commercial trochus, all came from the outer world along with the Great Bird of Paradise. All these objects are important trading material for the people of the islands. This legend suggests that trading in such objects including the Bird of Paradise, are important aspects of their community life. The above factors suggest that the traditional hunting and trading of the Bird of Paradise in the Aru islands is based on rigid customary laws, created for their sustainable use by the local people. We have also reasons to believe that the population of the Bird of Paradise in these islands, is not on the decline. The fact that the Bird of Paradise has been entered in Appendix II of the CITES, is something that needs to be re-examined. This is because the local people of the island can manage the wild population of the Bird of Paradise on the islands through their traditional customary laws, for their sustainable use.
- 上智大学の論文
- 1997-12-26
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