- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies of Max Weber's sociological theory have three faces, (1) study of burecuracy, (2) study of relevance on "Legitimitat" and "Legalitat" (it includes the region of legal philosophy), (3) study of "Fuhrerdemokratie" theory. Sociology has disposition as a modernisation theory. Needless to say, a object of sociology is to study empirical facts. But, on the occasion of studying modern sociological theory, it is neecessary to analyse modern law system from the legal philosophical point of view. Weber's "Rechtssoziologie" gives us a suggestion. It is necessity of undersanding essence of law ("Legitimitat" problem, and source of law). This study deals with influence of German jurisprudence on Max Weber's "Rechtssoziologie". As a result, we can understand political orientation in his theory and destiny of "Rechtssoziologie".
- 立正大学の論文
- 1990-03-20
- 人文科学研究所共同研究B「身体論グループ」19年度研究活動報告
- 人文科学研究所共同研究B「身体論グループ」18年度研究活動報告
- 人文科学研究所共同研究B「身体論グループ」17年度(準備期間)研究活動報告書
- 立正大学文学部創設80周年記念事業を終えて(平成十六年度文学部の記録)
- 社会学的身体論試論
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- グローバリゼーションにおける文化的問題
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