<論説>経済学の環境論的枠組に関する一考察 : 「持続可能な開発」問題に向けて
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UNCED was said to be 'the last chance to save the earth' but almost all prior consultations did not go on smoothly. Difficulties were caused mainly by the entranglement of 'Global environmental problem' and 'South-north problem'. The key concept of UNCED, 'Sustainable Development', which the WCED proposed to harmonize the economic development with the environmental conservation, asks economics to reconsider its principle and framework. 'Southern' countries have promoted 'development' since 1950s being led by economics which persuades them to industrialize themselves in the Western way. But the continuation of a 'development' like that is now being made impossible by the environmental disruption. 'Overdevelopment' in 'Northern' countries is so too. Economics has considered that the production and the consumption in the human economic system could grow eternally. It was wrong. The human economic system is a part of systems of local ecological cycle and global water cycle. Then economics needs to incorporate the logic of those cycles into its own principle and reorganize its framework ecologically. It is the economics with such new principle and framework that will be able to lead the 'Southern' and 'Northern' economic societies to the truly 'Sustainable Development'.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1992-06-24
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