- 論文の詳細を見る
This report studied the most effective natural radical scavenger of hydroxyl radicals generated by human plasma. The study consisted of 98 healthy volunteers recruited from the Health Sciences University of Hokkaido (67 males, 31 females), average age 24.5 years (range 22 to 36 years), all gave informed consent to participate in the study. Concentrations of total cholesterol, neutral fat, total protein, albumin, and anti-HBs antibody in the plasma were measured, and aliquots of plasma were exposed to X-rays. The ESR spectra of hydoroxyl radicals were obtained from the irradiated plasma, and the signal heights were normalized to the relative signal intensities (RSI) against the standard signal of the manganese oxide marker. Multivariate analysis did not show a relationship between RSI and the concentrations of total cholesterol, neutral fat, total protein, of albumin. However, the signal intensities decreased-markedly in the plasma taken from anti-HBs antibody carriers (P < 0.05). It suggests that anti-HBs antibody is the most important factor in scavenging hydroxyl radicals among the proteins analyzed in this study. The radical scavenging activity disappeared by the agglutination of anti-HBs antibody when hepatitis B vaccine was added to plasma containing the antibody. It is conclude that the anti-HBs antibody in human plasma has a significant effect upon the quantity of radicals.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 2001-06-30
- 35.顎骨々折が顎関節に及ぼす影響についての実験的研究 : X線所見と骨シンチグラム所見による経日的変化について(東日本学園大学歯学会第7回学術大会( 昭和63年度総会))
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- 幼若ラット歯牙破折に関する実験的研究
- X線照射によりHBs抗体ヒト血漿から発生するフリーラジカルの研究