- 論文の詳細を見る
The aims of the present study are to investigate the changes in the systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) and pulse rate (PR) while taking both a sauna and a cold water bath in the clinically healthy young and middle-aged women. Twenty young (20.1 years in average) and 19 middle-aged women (49.9 years) participated in the study after all subjects were fully informed of the purpose, procedure and possible hazards and the informed consent was obtained from each. They started to measure BP and PR in the dressing room every 2-min for 10 min as a control period using ambulatory BP monitoring device (TM-2421). They continued to measure BP and PR every 2 min for 8 min in the sauna bath room as a sauna period, one time for 1 min in the cold water bath and for 6 min in the bathroom as a recovery period, respectively. During the sauna period, SBP significantly increased in the middle-aged women, while it did not change remarkably in the young women. Although SBP increased significantly in both groups during cold water bath, the increase in SBP was greater in middle-aged than in young women. On the other hand, DBP did not change significantly throughout the experimental period. PR significantly increased during the sauna period and rapidly decreased in the cold water bath and continued to decrease during the recovery period in both groups. However, the change in PR was greater in young than in middle-aged women. Sauna bath may be generally good for health and relaxation. We, however, should pay attention taking a cold water bath immediately after the sauna bath because of a rapid increase in BP, especially in elderly people.
- 九州大学の論文
池田 京子
Division Of Nursing Faculty Of Medicine Saga Medical School
橋本 恵美子
Division Of Nursing Faculty Of Medicine Saga Medical School
松岡 緑
松岡 緑
Division of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Saga Medical School
橋本 恵美子[他]
Division of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Saga Medical School
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