- 論文の詳細を見る
There was no continuation of prewar economies in Eastern Europe after the First World War. Power politics and the circumstances of economic growth were fundamentally altered. The war had left the economies of the countries of Eastern Europe closely dependent on foreign trade. The trades were influenced by the effects of the War and of the collapse of the Dual Monarchy. Before the First World War tariffs had been the most important instruments of commercial policy and there was no formal change in customs policy directly after the War. But, substantially, under the impact of inflation the earlier customs walls of most countries crumbled. Consequently, the countries of Eastern Europe did not engage in cooperation in commercial policy after the War, but chose isolation, mostly by means of direct interference by the state and prohibitive measures in the first half of 1920s, and by means of high customs duties in the second half of the decade.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 1999-12-31
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