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Under the rapid economic development in which areal differentiation has proceeded among main vegetable producing areas in Japan, the traditional truck farming areas have suffered from competitions from the new suburban producing areas, by developments in plastic greenhouse as well as environmental control technology. Although interregional competitions for predominant position with major urban markets have come to be more and more enhanced, some traditional producing areas have occupied the advantageous position in central wholesale markets.<BR>This study examined how the traditional vegetable producing area have managed to survive in marketing competitions. Toyohashi City in Aichi Prefecture, the origin of glasshouse horticulture on commercial base in Japan, was selected as the study area. After describing some features of garnish production area, the development of glasshouse and plastic greenhouse horticulture were examined through the technological innovation, the organization of cooperative shipment, and the marketing competitions with new producing areas. Then, the development system and the regional base of its system were discussed.<BR>The farms are concentrated in the built-up area and its fringe of Toyohashi city. In response to urbanization, the farmers introduced industrial production mode into agriculture. As a result, garnish cultivation resembles manufacture in the mode of production, the organization of labor, and the orientation of farm management. Garnish cultivation in Toyohashi is a typical form of industrialized agriculture. The farm operation are characterized by the intensification of land, labor, and capital. The area is characterized by many farm households with one or more male regular farm workers, the high ratio of farm households with inheri-tors, farms with intensive labor forces, and the farms with large sales. On the other hand, the garnish cultivation is characterized by truck farming in cooperative shipment for the met-ropolitan areas. The glasshouse.<BR>The glasshouse production originated with a pioneer in 1901. Farms in lower Toyo River depended until the 1920s on sericulture and production of cereals for earning. The glasshouse production replaced sericulture with the Agricultural Crisis in 1930s. Since then, vegetable production in glasshouse has been developed and the Agricultural Cooperative Asso-ciation has been organized. In 1947 production of denshogiku (Chrysanthemum) started inthe study area. Toyohashi was the center of tomato and denshogiku production in Japan until early 1950s. Tomato production in this area suffered from competition in central wholesale markets with new truck farming areas along the Pacific Ocean. On the other hand, denshogiku production of Atsumi Peninsula has remarkably developed in 1950s. In 1960 garnish was introduced as key crop from Osaka.
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