The Effect of Colchicine on Progress of Cleavage Furrow inAmphibian Eggs
Sawai Tsuyoshi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of General Education Yamagata University
Yomota Atsushi
Department of Biology, Faculyty of Science,Yamagata University
Yomota A
Department Of Biology Faculyty Of Science Yamagata University
- Cytostatic Effect of the Cytoplasm of Mature Oocytes in the Newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster : Developmental Biology
- Movement of the Cell Surface in the FirstCleavage Stage in the Newt Egg
- Surface Movement in the First Cleavage Stage of Newt Eggs(Developmental Biology)
- The Effect of Colchicine on Progress of Cleavage Furrow inAmphibian Eggs
- Effect of protein phosphatase inhibitors on cleavage furrow formation in newt eggs: Inhibition of normal furrow formation and concomitant induction of furrow like dents
- Furrow-inducing Activity of Extra Sperm NucleiPresent in Egg Fragment without Zygote Nucleus in Newt Eggs
- Microinjected Ca2+ Stores with Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Recepror to Dividing Newt Eggs Moves Toward the Presumptive Cleavage Furrow Together with F-Actin in a Microtubule- and ATP-Dependent Manner(Cell Biology and Morphology)Proceedings of the Seventy
- Evidences for Direct Involvement of Microtubules in Cleavage Furrow Formation in Newt Eggs
- Microscopic Observation of Surface Relaxation and Contraction Waves in Elongated Eggs of the Newt during Cleavage(Developmental Biology)