- 論文の詳細を見る
Watson type gyro-sensor is composed of orthogonal-arm type tuning fork, and its two flexural vibration modes, related to the Corioli's force, are utilized. It is considered that the mechanical coupling between such two resonance modes in this type tuning fork is smaller than that of a normal tuning fork because one half pair of arms vibrates for driving and the other vibrates for sensing, independently. This paper describes on the coupling charcteristics of the orthogonal-arm type tuning fork designed for the guiding principle to set the frequency intervals of two frequencies of driving and sensing close. It is asertained by the finite element analysis of some tuning forks that the mechanical coupling of the orthogonal-arm type tuning fork is small in comparison with a normal tuning fofk. Depending upon the analyses, rectification of directions of diagonal vibrational displacements is investigated, and a new rectification method is devised which is achieved by balancing the center of mass-gravity at the joint part of orthogonal arms. Moreover, in this paper transition values of various circuit factors of the gyro-sensor are found clear for such balance adjusting.
- 山形大学の論文
- 1994-01-31
- 複合音叉フィルタに関する二三の実験
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