ブラジル人の子どもたちは,どのようにアイデンティティを変容させるのか? : 帰国後の再適応を観察して
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Since the Alien Registration Law was promulgated and enforced in 1990, the number of Brazilian nationals who came to Japan has increased. Now some of them started going back to Brazil and coming back to Japan. This means that the number of "Brazilian returnee students" will increase. This paper has the following three objects. First is to explain how these two countries are different in the sense of maturity of multiculturalism and to refer to how it affects transformation of returnees'identities. Four classifications are established. "Japanese", "Brazilian", "Bi-cultural", and "Marginalized. Second is to analyze how they can transform their identities in Brazil after going back from Japan according to time and to extract the factors to promote and obstruct for them to obtain their identities. Third is to extract the factors that can make it possible for them to bridge the gap between two cultures. The definition of identities in this paper is to set oneself in the society. Specifically participant's observation and interviews were carried out for four returnees in local school near Sao Paulo city for three months. From the interpretation and analysis, it can be said that returnees can obtain their identities as Japanese easier, if they visit Japan in early childhood, and the classrooms in Japanese school have atmosphere to accept cross culture, and returnee families had Japanese culture in Brazil. But the fact that Japan is less matured in multiculturalism and its rigid educational system can obstruct returnees from obtaining their identities as Japanese. On the other hand. Brazils maturity in multiculturalism and its flexible educational system can promote returnees to obtain their identities as Brazilians. But the capacity of Brazilian society and the parents as role model may obstrLict them from doing it. Finally returnees can obtain their identities as a bi-cultural person if they can consent where to live and if they can use their bi-cultural resources in their families.
- ブラジル人の子どもたちは,どのようにアイデンティティを変容させるのか? : 帰国後の再適応を観察して
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