- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to make clear structure of physical competence of children from the first grade to the sccond grade of elementary school, and to examine the developmental tendency and gender ditterence. The subjcts were 586 elementary school children. Twelve items were chosen from the result of a preliminary investigation about physical competence, and a factor analysis was done. The results were as follows: 1 )Factor analysis reveals a three-factor solution. The first factor, perceived physical competence, was defined by three items. The second factor, feeling of control, was defined by three items. The third factor, peer and teacher acceptance, was defined by three items. The reliability of these scales were tested by the coefficient α , and credible restllts were obtained. 2) On the development stage, the first grade children showed a higher score than the second grade children in perceived physical competence and feeling of control. 3) On the gender difference, it was shown that the female's scores in peer and teacher acceptance、was higher than the male's one on the first grade children, but it was not significantly different between the males and the females in all factors in the first grade children.
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