弓削丸搭載の DGPS による測位精度について
- 論文の詳細を見る
DGPS is equipped in YUGEMARU. The author analysed the accuracy of positioning by this system. The data of positioning were obtained at YUGE and OSAKA, by reason of that the accuracy of positionig becomes badly with the increase of distance from the base station. The base station is in YUGE. The measurement point in OSAKA is at a distance about 260km from the base station. As a result, the 95% probability error of positioning became about 0.6m at the both measurement points. Therefore, the difference of the positioning accuracy of the both measurement points could not be discriminated, however, it is proved that this DGPS is obtained the high accuracy of positioning.
- 弓削商船高等専門学校の論文
- 1996-02-28
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