- 論文の詳細を見る
Vibration of a transmission-line conductor is set up by corona discharge on water drops hanging beneath the conductor under rainy weather. This corona-induced vibration of a transmission-line conductor has become more serious problem owing to the rise of transmission voltage. The purpose of this study is to make the mechanism of corona-induced vibration clear. In this experiment, vibration waveform and corona current waveform were recorded. Moreover, photographs of a water drop were taken. By means of those waveforms, a peak value of corona current, vibration amplitude, outbreak frequency of corona current pulse and a phase lag angle between corona current and vibration were measured. The main results are summarized as follows; (1) The occurrence of corona current pulses causes vibration. (2) Corona current pulses are synchronized with vibration. This synchronization promotes vibration. (3) There is a phase lag angle, γ, between corona current and vibration. When γ is near π/2,vibration amplitude grows radically with increasing field intensity. Meanwhile, when γ is allowed to come near π by too much field intensity, vibration falls off. (4) In the decline of vibration, corona current contains d. c. component. This d. c. component hastens the decline and stops vibration.
- 山口大学の論文
渡部 雅人
羽野 光夫
谷辺 俊幸
柴田 典顕
足立 宜良
柴田 典顕
足立 宜良
谷辺 俊幸
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