- 論文の詳細を見る
Authors obtained the following results by analysis of the relation between the meteorological elements (wind direction, wind velocity) and the concentration of SO_2 polluted by a group of industrial exhaust smoke. (1) The concentration of SO_2 has a tendency to show the high value when the wind comes from WNW direction. (2) In most cases, high concentrated pollution occured from noon to sixteen o'clock during a day. (3) In east side areas like a city hall, Misaki elementary school etc., the concentration of SO_2 showed high value when the wind velocity is from 5 to 9 m/sec. Moreover, as the result of the theoretical analysis, authors suggested the five more measuring stations are needed in Ube city and pointed out their locations on the map. Also investigated the influence on the hight of the industrial chimmney for the concentration of SO_2.
- 山口大学の論文
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