10世紀紅河デルタ開拓試論(<特集>東南アジア低地開拓史 : 東南アジアにおける低地開発の諸相)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This essay is about the state of rice agriculture in the Red River Delta in the tenth century, and is the second part of the historical study of the reclamation of that delta from the first century to the nineteenth century, which aims at understanding the characteristics of Vietnamese socioeconomical history in comparison with other Southeast Asian deltas. In Part 1,the identification of Duong Lam, the home base of Ngo Quyen, the first founder of a Vietnam independent of China, and Tien Du and Vu Ninh, the domains of the Su Quan (Twelve Lords), with present place names, it is shown that the economic power of those lords in the tenth century was based on rice cultivation on terrace and foothill areas, which can be traced back to the first reclamation period of the delta, conjectured to be in the Dong Son age. In Part 2,by analysis of the situation of Co Phap, the home village of Ly Cong Uan, the first emperor of Ly Dynasty, Xieu Loai, Phong Chau, and Nguyen Gia, domains of the Su Quan, Mat Lien, and Phu Dai, fiefs of the sons of Le Hoan, the first emperor of the Early Le Dynasty, I conclude that their influence was founded on the natural levees along big rivers such as the Red River, Canal des Rapides and Canal des Bambous, which would make them almost the same in character as the lands and power base of native powers, that is dating from the first reclamation period. In Part 3,however, Hong Chau, the home village of the Khuc family, the first native governors of Giao Chau (North Vietnam) when independent of China, Do Dong Giang, a domain of the Su Quan, and Dai De, home village of Do Thich, an assassin of Dinh Bo Linh, one finds that a new reclamation type appeared on the small natural levees located in the western flood area (casier de Hadong) and the upper delta with the adoption of fifth-month rice cultivation in these lower-lying fields. In Part 4,in other cases such as Chuong Duong, a fief of Duong Tham Kha, a usurper of the throne from the Ngo family, and Dang Chau, a domain of the Su Quan, a tendency to penetrate some sandbank areas to plant mulberry or for use as small navigation stations on the Red River is shown. In Part 5,I point out that in places at the edge of the Red River Delta, such as Hoa Lu, the capital of the Dinh and Le dynasties, Bo Hai Khau, a domain of the Su Quan, Tra Huong, a base of Pham Linh Cong, a patron of a son of Ngo Quyen, and Hoi Ho, a domain of the Su Quan, a new type of political power had risen during the tenth century. These areas were not suitable for rice cultivation without dikes. So it is very difficult to explain the existence of powers in these areas by agricultural factors alone. One can suppose that more important to these lords would be control of navigation on the Red River, Song Day River and the Thai Binh-Canal des Rapides river system. In conclusion, in the tenth century, the reclamation of the Red River Delta was an extension of a traditional agronomic method introduced in the Dong Son age, especially in the Trung Du area (the middle part of the Red River Valley), and some commercial factors were introduced onto this base. However, this conclusion suggests that reclamation methods would be limited by the geographical situation. So, a new engineering method had to be introduced to reclaim such unfavorable areas as backswamps and tidal creeks. This happened from the tenth century with the power of new dynasties to mobilize manpower and the introduction of the dike construction method newly developed in the Yangtze River Delta during the Sung Dynasty. This can be regarded as the first application of engineering methods to reconstruct the delta geography for rice cultivation. This topic will be discussed in the third report of this series.
- 京都大学の論文
- 恩師 石井米雄先生
- 石井米雄先生追悼--榮光の官職・研究の孤獨 (追悼 石井米雄先生)
- 追悼特集 石井米雄先生のご業績
- 一つの太陽オールウェイズ(1)私は天丼にせよ、オムライスにせよ、最初にいつどこで食べたかを覚えている。そんな世代だ。
- もう一つの太陽 オールウエイズ(2)官、財、学界が賠償を転機に大きく東南アジア進出に舵を切り、一方、バンドン・民族運動への共感をもつ若い潮流がアカデミズムのなかに胎動していた。
- 恩師 石井米雄先生
- 恩師 石井米雄先生
- もう一つの太陽 オールウエイズ(3)きなくさく、そして相当に胡散臭い東南アジア知識とは別に、時代の「要請」とは没干渉の東南アジア研究の流れが日本にあった。
- 一つの太陽オールウエイズ(4)60年〜70年代の東南アジア現代史はまるで走馬燈だ。瞬間の影絵を見ているだけでは走馬燈の思想は理解できない。
- ハノイ、ホアンキエムの微高地地表の形成
- 地域学からみた東南アジア考古学 (東南アジア考古学会30周年記念大会講演録)
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- 一つの太陽オールウエイズ(6)妻と当歳の娘を横浜に残し、書籍を積んだトラックの助手席に積まれて、京都に旅立った。それは真剣な遊歴時代の開始だ。
- 一つの太陽オールウエイズ(5)膨大なベトナム漢文史料のマイクロフィルム。この史料を読むのは間違いなく、世界で私が最初である。身震いするような思いで立ち向かった。
- 一つの太陽オールウエイズ(9)たしかに東南アジアには一つの文明がないが、かわりに東西6000キロ、南北4000キロにわたって文化的統一帯、「東南アジア文化」がつらなる。
- 一つの太陽オールウエイズ(8)高谷先生は答えた。5万分の1地形図にトレーシングペーパーをかけて、すべての情報を手写してごらんなさい、それが100くらいたまったらわかります。
- GISと地歴統合 (特集 新しい高校地理・歴史科教育の創造--グローバル化時代を生き抜くために) -- (高校における地理・歴史教育の将来的課題)
- 一つの太陽オールウエイズ(7)33歳の私は希望に胸をいっぱいにふくらませながら、タイの悪路を蹴散らしていった。それが最初の幸福すぎるくらいに幸福なフィールドの始まりだった。
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- 報告1 (ベトナム) (報告要旨)
- 東南アジアの18世紀
- 阮朝〓本と大南寔録 : 1885年の記述をめぐって
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- 吉沢南著「ベトナム現代史のなかの諸民族」
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- 黎朝下ヴェトナム村落における漂散農民の分析 (I) 上
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