<資料・研究ノート>ケイヒ類生薬に関する研究 (第1報) : 西スマトラにおけるケイヒの栽培状況について
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This article is dealing with the cinnamon tree cultivations in Batusangkar, Padang Highlands, West Sumatra based on writer's field survey in Apri 1971. In western Sumatra, three areas, Mt. Kerinci, Padang Highlands and South Tapanuli are famous for cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum burmanni BL.) cultivation. The products are known as Padang Cinnamons or cassia vera in crude drug markets. Mt. Kerinci areas are said to produce the cinnamons of best quality and almost the half of the total amount of Padang Cinnamons. In Batusangker, Padang Highlands, cinnamon trees were originally cultivated in the wider areas above 500m in altitude, however, recently the cinnamons were replaced by the clove trees in the lower parts than 800m. Usual methods for stock multiplication are to raise seedlings in nursery. Techniques deviding the shoots from old stumps are also practised. Pruning is adopted in order to obtain a clear long bole with smooth bark and to stimulate high growth. The harvested barks are graded into three classes according to their quality by cultivaters. Village brokers and whole sale dealers in Padang put the collected barks into seven grades. A great deal of Padang Cinnamons are exported directly to U.S.A.
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- ケイヒ類生薬に関する研究 (第1報) : 西スマトラにおけるケイヒの栽培状況について
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