<資料・研究ノート>南タイ農村の発展史的把握 (I) : 派生村形成の社会過程
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This is the fifth of the serial articles titled "Socio-Economic Basis of Social Communication in Southern Thailand." The main aim of this article is to present an analytical view on the social processes of "Baan-mai formation" in a Thai-Islam community in Southern Thailand. This article also incidentally aims to propose a hypothetical method to reproduce the history of a village in Thailand. One of the basic characteristics of a Thai village is that, through the familiar habit of squatting ownerless land, new hamlets are easily formed inside or outside the original village boundary. It is, in a sense, a social mechanism by which a good balance is constantly achieved between population and land holding. This sequence of "baanmai formation" is one of the basic themes of the history of a Thai village. The easiness of the "baan-mai formation" has long functioned to obscure the actual extent and range of a village community in Thailand as well as to keep the Thai social structure fairly loose. In the village of Don-Khilek, where the author conducted a field survey on the subject, the "baan-mai" formation has taken place in three different waves at three different junctions in the course of its history. Don-Khilek originally consisted of a single hamlet, but it has produced seven or eight different hamlets in the past eighty years. The phenomenon of "baan-mai" formation has to be analyzed in a two-partite way; that is, the physical process of a new hamlet formation on the one hand, and the social process of seperation of community activities like religious rituals, on the other.
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- 太田常蔵, 『ビルマにおける日本軍政史の研究』, 東京 : 吉川弘文館, 1967,xi+586p
- ナタウット・スッティソンクラーム, 『元帥ナコーンサワンウォーラピニット親王, 最初の海軍省大臣, の偉勲と伝記』, Bangkok, 1965,905p
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- Direek Chaiyanaam, Thai kab songkhraamlook khrang thii 2,Bangkok : Prae Pittaya, 1966,1147p
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- William J. Siffin, The Thai Bureaucracy-Institutional Change and Development, Honolulu : East-West Center Press, 1966,x+291p
- Hugh Tinker, Reorientations, Studies on Asia in Transition, London : Pall Mall Press, 1965,175p