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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Society and state in pre-modern Vietnam were strongly influenced by those of China. Recent research indicates, however, that absolute rule supported by bureaucracy and Confucian ideology like that in the Chinese empire was not established until the 14th century. How, then, did earlier dynasties such as Ly become stabilized and gain control over semi-independent local powers? The foundation of the Ly dynasty did not put an end to frequent regional rebellions outside the Red River Delta, sometimes involving an alliance with another country. The framework of political integration under this Vietnamese dynasty, in which the central government of the Red River Delta controlled the northern mountains and the southern provinces, was barely established in the latter half of the 11th century. Moreover, the integration of the Red River Delta itself collapsed in a struggle among local powers on the fall of the Ly dynasty. Under these conditions, the central government could not dismantle the local military powers and construct a military bureaucracy. The submission of local powers, often symbolized by a ceremony of allegiance, was achieved only by means of personal demonstrations of power by the emperor or princes in expeditions or ritual travels to the local powers. Such demonstrations gradually came to be undertaken by persons close to the emperor and by the grand aristocrats. Ultimately, the stability of the Ly dynasty rested on the military actions of the "mandala overlord" in the Red River Delta and their spread to the aristocracy.
- ヴェトナム李朝の地方行政単位と地方統治者
- A Trace of Disyllabisity of Vietnamese in the 14th Century--Chu Nom Characters Contained in the Inscription of Ho Thanh Mountain(2) (アジア言語論叢(6))
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- 問題提起(パネル3「東南アジア地域研究と高大連携-高校で東南アジアはどのように教えられているか」,第79回研究大会報告)
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- 問わずがたり 「扶桑の娘」と「ハードンの獅子」
- コメント (特集 日本文化の境界と交通--2001年国際シンポジウムの記録) -- (第1セッション:異文化交流の諸相)
- 東南アジア史整理のポイント (世界史の研究(194))
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- 日本のベトナム研究と歴史学 (特集:現代アジア研究)
- 書評・紹介 O.W.Wolters, History, Culture, and Region in Southeast Asian Perspectives
- 一族の事業としての陳朝 : 中世ベトナムにおける父系同族集団の形成
- Reid,Anthony(ed.),The Last Stand of Asian Autonomies:Responses to Modernity in the Diverse States of Southeast Asia and Korea,1750-1900〔和文〕
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- 問題提起 (報告要旨)
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- ベトナム前近代の政治統合と地域世界 (「東南アジア史のベトナム」報告要旨)
- 「ベトナム村落の形成--村落共有田=コンディエン制の史的展開」桜井由躬雄
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- コメント (特集 内陸アジア史学会50周年記念公開シンポジウム「内陸アジア史研究の課題と展望」記録)
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- 全体を見る、違った世界にまたがって生きる : 日本の「歴史業界」再生に向けた一方策
- コメント (2013年度歴史学研究会大会報告 変容する地域秩序と境域 : 蝦夷地と中央ユーラシアの経験から) -- (全体会)
- 櫻井さんを偲ぶ (追悼 櫻井由躬雄先生)
- 小田中直樹著, 『世界史の教室から』, 山川出版社, 2007年6月, 182頁, 本体3,360円