- 論文の詳細を見る
To investigate the characteristics of cardiorespiratory function during unsteady state, heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake (Vo_2) were measured during square wave exercise and recovery. Six female adults (20.2±0.2 years of age) were paricipated in this study. They performed 4 minutes of bicycle exercise (360 kpm/min) and rested 5 minutes of recovery. Heart rate was measured beat-by-beat and oxygen uptake measured every 10 seconds, then the half response time (t_<1/2>) were calculated. No significant relationship .was found between t_<1/2>-on and t_<1/2>-off (HR: r=0.078 and Vo_2: r=-0.473). At the onset of exercise, it showed a tendency that longer t_<1/2>HR and longer t_<1/2>Vo_2 (r=0.681). But this correlation coefficient was not significant. Correlation coefficient during recovery was -0.380. At the onset of exercise, it showed a tendency that larger maximal oxygen uptake had shorter t_<1/2> (HR: r=-0.630, p>0.05 and Vo_2: r=-0.962, p<0.01). Such tendency was not, however, found during recovery (HR: r=-0.490 and Vo_2: r=0.281). It was suggested that the control mechanism of cardiorespiratory on-response was different from that of off- response.
- 東京家政学院大学の論文
- 1993-07-31
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