- 論文の詳細を見る
The society of the Six Dynasties can be, usually speaking, defined as a society of pedigreed aristocrats. This definition is definitely approvable, especially when the Age of the Six Dynasties is viewed from macroscopic angles. However, the said society of aristocracy cannot be said to have remained constant and unchangeable ; the evidence of which manifests itself in the phenomenon, viz. the uprising of the han-men (H^H, lower class family). The uprising as such was, in a short, nothing but the result of the desire to improve their political and social status, on the part of the han-men. Yet, each individual might have incessantly sought, in his innermost consciousness, to find a solution how to get out of the social restrictions, with which he had been burdened hitherto. In that case, one of the most effective measures seems to be possessing the cultural tradition, which had long been monopolized by the aristocrats. Here the writer intends to take up first the biography of ffijjfy (Shen Yiieh, 441-513 A.D.), coming from wu-hsing (S.^, local nobility of South-eastern China) and chiang-men (Mf*\, military family) as well, namely, from a family of the han-men. With this clue to go upon, he further tries to throw some lights on the following related problems : 1) The incident of installation of Hsiao Tzu-liang (ff ^jl.) as king of Ch'i (^), which he had much to do with, 2) The historical significance of the establishment of Liang (HO Dynasty, and 3) Shen Yiieh in his later years under the reign of the Liang Dynasty, in connection with his views of 'reclusive life', chiefly based on a work of his own composition Chiao-chii fu (郊居賦).
- 東海大学の論文
- 挨拶 (杏雨書屋 第二十三回 研究会講演録 渋江抽斎資料展)
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- 北魏孝文帝借書攷
- 師受考 - 『抱朴子』内篇によせて - (創立五十周年記念論集)
- 顏師古の『漢書』注
- 沈約の傅記とその生活
- 挨拶 (杏雨書屋 第二十六回 研究会講演録 江戸時代前半期の本草関係書)
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- 挨拶 (杏雨書屋 第二十七回研究会講演録 田中彌性園文庫から見た近世大坂の医学)
- 先考と狩野君山先生 (特集 狩野君山)
- The "Admonition to My Son" by Xu Mian 徐勉 of the Liang Era
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