<論文>メディア史研究の方法をめぐって : 「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」の創始者たちの試みを手掛かりにして
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The purpose of this essay is to introduce the approach and problematics that the founders of British cultural studies took and held, in order to consider the role of the 'studies of media history' in the field of mass communication research in Japan. The studies of media history would be the 'traditional and new' field. There are many universities' classes named 'history of journalism', 'history of broadcasting', 'communication history' and so on. Besides there have been many researchers of media history. Accordingly the studies of media history should be the traditional one. On the other hand, it could not be said that each study of media history is systematised. So they must be the new ones. In this essay I review the trend of the studies of media history in Japan in the first place and also reevaluate the achievements of the founders of British cultural studies.
- 東海大学の論文
東海大学 | 論文
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