- 論文の詳細を見る
Fourteen female jazz and aerobic dancers and twelve non-athletes were measured by a progressive isocapnic hypoxia test at rest. The ventilatory responses to hypoxia were analyzed by the hyperbola equation : V_E=A_<VE>/(P_<ETO_2>-14.3)+)+V_O where V_E is obseved ventilation, V_O the horizontal asymptote in ventilation for infinite end-tidal P_<O_2> (P_<ETO_2>), A_<VE> the slope constant indicating the magnitude of hypoxic sensitivity, and the constant 14.3 representing the vertical asymptote in P_<ETO_2> for infinite ventilation. The absolute magnitude of hypoxic response in ventilation at P_<ETO_2> 50mmHg was also determined as V_<50>, calculated as : V_<50>=A_<VE>/(P_<ETO_2> 50-14.3)+V_O=A_<VE>/35.7+V_O. The results showed that jazz and aerobic dancers exhibited a significantly lower hypoxic ventilatory response, V_<50> or V_<50N>, than the non-athletes. These results suggest the attenuated ventilatory response to hypoxia in dancers is related to hightened endurance capacity obtained from dance training.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
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