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The suspention-type grouts such as cement, bentnite and other clayey materials exhibit non-Newtonian fluid behavior. The flow mechanisms of non-Newtonian fluids through porous materials are not well understood because of the existence of yield strength and the nonlinear relationship between shear rate and shear stress developed in the fluids. The Kozeny-Garman approach was applied to gain the fundamental relationships between medium and fluid properties for Bingham, Casson and Hershel-Bulkley fluids. Analyzing the Kozeny-Carman equations derived, the determination process of the medium conductivities for the suspention-type grouts was discussed. The major conclusions obtained through this study are as follows : (a) The coefficient of permeability of soil for Newtonian pore liquid is given by K_N=f(γ_N, μ_N, e, S, S_0,C_s). It is difficult to obtain the specific wet surface S_0 separating from the shape factor C_s in the standard permeability test. (b) The coefficients of permeability for Bingham, Casson, Herschel-Bulkley pore liquids are given by the Kozeny-Carman analysis as K_B=f(τ_y, γ_B, μ_B, i, e, S, S_0,C_s), K_c=f(τ_y, γ_c, μ_c, i, e, S, S_0,C_s), K_<HB>=f(τ_y, γ_<HB>, μ_<HB>, i, m, e, S, S_0,C_s). The factor S_0 can be determined quantitatively by measuring the pressure gradient at the commencement and/or suspension of pore liquid flow. (c) The coefficients of permeability for non-Newtonian pore liquids are dependent upon the hydraulic gradient developed in the fluids, and the final forms of the flow equations exhibit nonlinear characteristics.
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