- 論文の詳細を見る
The commercial silk fabrics, which were finished with five kinds of resin (polyurethane, polyacrylamide, polybutylacrylate, dimethylol ethylene urea and carbamate), were examined on dyeing properties and color fastness to washing. The dyeing properties of resin-finished silk fabrics were dependent on the dyes. The resin-finished fabrics were inferior to the unfinished fabrics in dyeing properties when dyed with basic dyes. In the properties with acid dyes, the finished fabries were dyed as much as the unfinished ones,, The finished fabrics were dyed with direct or metal complex, dyes relatively better than the unfinished ones, suggesting that the silk fabrics can be dyed even after resin finishing. Both the unfinished and the resin-finished silk fabrics were remarkably low in color fastness to washing when they dyed with the acid or basic dyes, while both fabrics were high when with the direct or metal complex dyes. And when with the latter dyes, the resin-finished fabrics tend to be superior to the unfinished ones.
- 園田学園女子大学の論文
- 1975-12-20
- 基本的な衣生活に関する意識及び実践度について
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- 福木樹皮からの色素抽出とその染色性
- 男性から見た女性の和服姿と男性の和服に対する意識について
- 和服の着用経験と意識について
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- 体験や, 実験を通して考える被服着用の健康性
- 会長就任のあいさつ
- トルマリン混入肌着の温熱整理へ及ぼす影響
- 被服着装時の拘束が人の心理・生理に及ぼす影響
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- トルマリン混入ストッキングの温熱生理へ及ぼす影響
- 会長就任のあいさつ
- 褥瘡予防寝具エアマットの基礎的性状と身体生理に及ぼす影響
- 被服領域内容(中学校技術・家庭)の視覚教材化の試み : 快適な衣生活
- 婦人靴の形状の違いによる歩行時の筋活動の変化
- 婦人靴の履用に関する実態調査
- 整容用下着類の着用実態と自覚症状 : 身体圧迫の条件(圧迫強度,圧迫部位,圧迫幅)と自覚症状発現との関連
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