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With a view to finding out, on the basis of clothing, the hygienic necessity of waterproof clothing to be worn with the least discomfort possible, fabrics processed permanently waterproofed with chemicals, rubber cloth, vinyle and air permeable vinyle were examined and corn-pared in their air-permeability according to Rubner,s test and also by other fundamental experiments. Each of the above materials was weighed after putting them together in a desicater for certain periods for the purpose of detecting their individual permeability of moisture. The result attained shows invariably; -Waterproof fabrics are best suited the purpose as clothing. Air-permeable vinyle is not better than other air-impermeable materials in point of air-permeability. An air-permeable waterproofed article of clothing should be sufficiently perforated, or it is desirable to have two large openings for ventilation, each in the upper and in the lower parts of the article. This study clarified the hygienic basis on which waterproof pants, raincoats, and the like should be improved.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1957-04-30
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