<研究報告>寝具について I : 甑島生活調査と寝具状況を主体として
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On one of the remote islands of southern Kyushu, we tride to find out if there were any older types of bedclothes or anything that could be traced as old fashioned bedding, and made a survey on the quantity of bedding owned by one home, in connection with the living condition of the islanders. Contrary to our expectation, there was not any older type and kind particular to the inhabitants, and we found that most of them have not many futon but have a comperatively great number of goza. This, we concluded, was due to their economic conditions and also to their migratory custom, leading them to the frequent communication with outer world and to the development of their material life. Analyses were made on the quantity of bedding possessed by on home on this island, by comparing the quantity owned by homes of female school-teachers, petty labourers and men of small enterprises, in some cities in Kyushu. Through this survey, it is evident that while the inhabitants above a certain standard of living have more than one set of futon per family member, those below the standard have less bedding - with inverse proportion to the added family members, less than one futon per person - although there was no close relationship between the quantity of bedding and the amount of income. This is partly due to their economic conditions and partly to their poor knowledge and technique of home life. We concluded that the islanders above the middle class do not differ in the quantity of bedding for their own use from the aforesaid homes of female school-teachers, petty labourers and men of small enterprises. People above middle class usually possess a number of spare bedding for house guests, better material for futon, electric devices for the bed and even western-style beds. It was suggested that the materials and forms of bedding should be investigated in connection with the dimension of houses under the limited housing condition.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1962-03-25
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