The Competitiveness of Diversified Investment on Portfolio Selection Problem (New Developments of Theory of Computation and Algorithms)
- Langtonの自己増殖ループの形態的進化
- Watson-Crickオートマトンの族の間の関係とそれらの族と文脈自由言語との関係
- 16セグメントディスプレイ上の英字パターンの一斉射撃問題
- 文脈を用いない挿入・削除システムの計算能力
- On a homomorphic characterization of the class of slender context-free languages (Languages, Algebra and Computer Systems)
- 線形言語の部分族と言語の特性化
- k-グラフ生成文法
- 点の次数3以下のグラフに対する2部グラフ化問題
- A-023 Pattern Generation on Two Dimensional Cellular Automata
- Pattern Generation on Two Dimensional Cellular Arrays (代数系アルゴリズムと言語および計算理論--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- The Competitiveness of Diversified Investment on Portfolio Selection Problem (New Developments of Theory of Computation and Algorithms)
- Efficient algorithms for Disjoint Paths in Hypercubes and Star Networks
- 非対称通信路における符号について (形式言語理論とオートマトン理論)
- Time Complexity of Square Pattern Generation on Two Dimensional Cellular Automata (Algebras, Languages, Algorithms and Computations)
- Circle Generation on Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata (Algebraic Systems and Theoretical Computer Science)
- Circle Generation on Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata (Algebraic Systems and Theoretical Computer Science : RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Rapid Circle Generation on Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata by $O(r^2)$ Time Algorithm