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本論の課題は、いわゆる条件不利地域を多く抱え、その振興策が求められている半島地域を対象に、第1次産業の振興策と第1次産業関連協同組合の果たすべき役割について検討することである。検討方法は次の3点に整理される。第1には、石川県能登半島、なかでも反党的性格(以下、半島性と呼ぶ)が強い北部能登地域を対象とする。その位置については、Fig.1に示している。第2には、農家、農業関連団体、自治体等の実態調査に基づく検討を行う。第3には、第1次産業の振興を目指して重要な役割を演じなければならない、第1次産業関連協同組合、すなわち農業協同組合(以下、農協と略す、なお、農協名に関してはJAを用いる)、森林組合、漁業協同組合(以下、漁協と略す)の取組に焦点を当て、その機能と体制についての検討を行う。The purpose of this article is to investigate the planned promotion of the first industry and the role of the cooperative society(agriculture cooperatives,forestry cooperatives,and fishery cooperatives)over the first industry.Our case region was the northern part of the Note penisule in Ishikawa Prefecture.Our aims were as follows.First,we wished to clarify that it is neccessary to pay attention to "promotion of wider area work"and"promotion of industry by the use of characteristics of the peninsula" in the peninsula promotion strategy which the National Land Agency had instituted.Secondly,there are four problems with vision concerning the first industry by the Ishikawa prefectural goverment.①The use of characteristics of the peninsule is not mentioned.②"Promotion of wider area work"is not mentioned.③The cooperation of the first industry is not mentioned.④Recognition of the importance of marketing is overlooked,especially in forestry and fishery.Thirdly,"Cooperation between the cooperetive societies over the indusry"is a key phrase to contriute to peninsula promotion.For example, independent sales of rice in Suzu agri.co-op and the promotion of Japanese cattle(Noto-gyu) in OOzora agri.co-op should be carried out in wide area.Fourthly,the necessity for cooperation between the cooperative societies over the first industry should be mentioned. Therefore,it should be agreed that the parties concerned cooperate not as a movement but as a business.Finally,we would like to clarify that the cooperatve society over the first industry should practicipate aggressively in"Promotion of Tourism in the Peninsula".
- 岡山大学の論文
- 1999-02-01
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- コメント
- 半島振興と協同組合の役割に関する事例的研究