<論説>数字を用いた略語に見る現代中国社会(III・完) (藤本利躬教授退官記念号)
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My study on abbreviations with numerals consists of three parts. This is the last part. Many abbreviations with numerals have been used as political slogans by the Chinese Communist Party. I try to clarify, by analyzing those abbreviations, the phases of Chinese society today. In this part of my study, I deal with those which belong to such social phenomena as ① corruption of the Party leaders and the governmentofficials,② disturbance ofthe peace, ③ educational problems, etc. My study has revealed that abbreviations with numerals are devided into four groups, that is, those which show ① policies by the central Party and Government, ② policies by the local governments and enterprises, ③ nationwide social phenomena, and ④ local phenomena. Many abbreviations belonging to ① and ③ will appear in dictionaries in thefuture, and those belonging to ② and ④ will not. The latter, however, reflects the various problems that China now faces, and enables us tounderstand her. Abbreviations are so simple in structure that they are often ambiguous. "San-tong", for example, sometimes means "the three direct links between the two sides of Taiwan Straits", and sometimes means "the three kinds oflifeline in case ofcalamity".
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