<原著>新生仔家兎心筋に対するcrystalloidおよびcold blood cardioplegiaの投与頻度と心筋保護効果の検討
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Inadequate preservation of immature myocardium during global ischemia remains a significant clinical problem. But the protective effects of cold blood cardioplegia (CBC) has not been examinated with immature myocardium. In the present study, the efficacy of crystalloid cardioplegia (St. Thomas' Hospital solution : ST) and CBC in the neonatal heart were investigated to determine whether the responses to frequent administration of each cardioplegic solution would be the same. Isolated neonatal rabbit hearts (6 to 9 days of age) were subjected to 3 hours of ischemia at 15℃, and treated with ST or CBC. Each solution was administrated in a single-dose (ST-single, CBC-single), or multiple-doses every 60 (ST-60,CBC-60), 30 (ST-30,CBC-30), and 15 minutes (ST-15,CBC-15) during ischemia. Highenergy phosphate levels were measured at the end of ischemia and during reperfusion by 31-phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in each group (n=5). Myocardial water content was also measured at the end of ischemia. At the end of ischemia, the level of adenosine triphosphate (ATP, percent of preischemic control value) in ST-single (74.3±4.5%) and ST-60 (82.6±6.5%) were higher than in ST-30 (68.5±6.8%) and ST-15 (59.9±6.3%) (p<0.05 : ST-60 vs ST-15). After 30 minutes of reperfusion, recovery of the ATP level in ST-single (91.7±2.6%) and ST-60 (88.2±2.3%) were significantly higher than in ST-30 (72.5±7.2%) and ST-15 (63.1±5.0%) (p<0.05). Conversely, in the CBC groups, the ATP level in CBC-15 (85.0±4.0%) was significantly higher than in CBC-60 (64.6±4.8%), and CBC-single (60.3±3.9%), at end ischemia (p<0.05), and recovery of the ATP level was best in CBC-15 (95.1±3.6%) (p<0.05). Myocardial water content was significantly higher in the ST group than in the CBC group. However no significant difference was noted among the subgroups of the ST group. The lack of free radical scavenger, not the lack of oncotic pressure, in ST might have caused the deterious effect of frequent infusion of ST in the neonatal heart. Conclusion : In multi-dose administration of cardioplegia, ST showed detrimental effects ; in contrast, CBC had beneficial effects on preservation and recovery of the ATP level, in the neonatal heart. CBC maintained myocardial water content within the physiological level. In conclusion, CBC is recommended for neonates in clinical practice.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1993-09-25
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