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Regional myocardial blood flow (RMBF) developing soon after myocardial infarction may minimize myocardial necrosis. To test this hypothesis, RMBF to the area of acutely occluded coronary artery was determined successively over 4 weeks in 11 open-chest dogs. Non-radioactive colored microspheres were injected into the left atrium before occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery, and RMBF was measured at 5 seconds, 3 hours and 12 hours after occlusion. The chest was closed and then re-opened 4 weeks later. Microspheres were injected again into the left atrium and the heart was removed to measure RMBF and determine 3 indices of myocardial necrosis : myocardial creatine kinase activity (CK), infarct size as determined by triphenyl tetrazolium chloride stain (TTC), and Azan-Mallory stain for visualization of myocardial fibrosis. RMBF measured 5 seconds after occlusion (Q1), 3 hours (Q2), 12 hours (Q3) and 4 weeks later (Q4) was 27±3%, 26±3%, 29±3% and 35±3% of control at the inner layer, respectively. While at the outer layer, RMBF was 36±3,53±4,50±4 and 80±7Z%, respectively. These showed that both Q1 and the flow increase over the 4 weeks (Q4-Q1) were greater at the outer layer than the inner layer. The middle layer showed RMBF between those of the inner and outer layers. The inner layer showed a small flow increase between Q3 and Q4 (Q4-Q3=6±3%). At the outer layer, there were conspicuous flow increases during Q1 to Q2 (17±3%) and Q3 to Q4 (37±6%). The middle layer showed increases between those of the inner and outer layers. No consistent flow change was seen between Q2 and Q3 at any of the three layers. Q1 showed good correlation with 3 indices of myocardial necrosis. Since Q1 was measured 5 seconds after occlusion, this good correlation indicated that the rich pre-existing collaterals are important in minimizing myocardial necrosis Flow increases developing within 3 hours after occlusion (Q3-Q1) also showed good correlations with the 3 indices, while that increasing after 12 hours (Q4-Q3) showed an inconsistent relation with those indices. This study demonstrated that there was a considerable flow increase until 3 hours after coronary occlusion and this flow increase may contribute to reducing myocardial necrosis.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1993-09-25
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